When your Caring Turns into an Addiction/Co-Dependency

How can you tell if your caring for a friend, lover, or family member has turned into an addiction also known as co-dependency? Being co-dependent is a means of survival in the world. This doesn’t brand you as a bad person. You’re struggling to find a new path. I hope that the following will help...

Here are signs to determine that it is time to say goodbye to a lover, friend, family member or acquaintance: He has betrayed you by sharing your secrets with others. She is almost always unavailable for support while you always show up for her. He has a substance abuse problem that he never admits to...

Please read Part One of this story before reading this. At the end of Part One, Ron asked Melinda to share with him how he hurts her with his words and how she would like him to change. Melinda states, “Ron you have said cruel things to me over the years.  Whenever you feel I...

The issue of determining if you are in love or intensely addicted to another is an issue that crosses all ethnic, racial, class and age lines.  How love is experienced in a modern world that values materialism more than anything else?  It is challenging to define love today. I believe love is mutual self-less giving...